IT & Cyber Risk

Our IT and Cyber Risk Practice provides sound and accurate information for claims and risk pricing.

We have found that a case by case approach is demanded by each industry sector. Increasing reliance upon Cloud and other third party vendors can lead to unknown factors.

Types of Data Breach

There is a misconception that most breaches are caused by malicious attacks. However it is actually human and system error that represents the majority of breaches.

Examples of common data breaches include:

  • Loss of unencrypted portable devices

  • Stray emails, letters, faxes, documents

  • Inadequate destruction of data
  • Technical security failures

  • Malware / virus attacks (unsecured networks)

  • Denial of service attacks
  • Property crimes (stolen computers, mobile phones, USB drives)

  • Inside job (employee steals information)

  • Phishing scams
  • Spear-phishing (social engineering)
  • Advanced persistent threats

How can Concordia help?


Risk Assessments highlighting vulnerabilities and measuring cyber related exposure 


Identifying risk exposure by analysing:

  • Compliance and Risk Management measures.
  • Testing of data level encryption and anti-penetration measures.
  • Challenging existing Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery plans.

Post Cyber Event Response

Concordia provides a fast pro-active support in the containment of a breach and investigations to quickly identify the ‘who, what, when and how’.

Contact Us

If you would like to know more about Concordia Consultancy Ltd or if you have any queries or comments please contact us.

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