Concordia Risk Ltd

Managing Director - Paul May LLB (Hons), MBA, FCII, FCILA, AdipC, DipAIS, MCIArb, CFIRM, FCMI, MAE, FUEDI-ELAE, AMIMC, FIFAA

Our approach to risk consultancy builds upon the Concordia philosophy of agreement between the parties. We encourage the fullest cooperation of the policy holder and insurance broker especially as the process will help to minimise uninsured losses arising from an insured peril.

We recognise the need to take leading edge specialist advice for particular elements of a risk analysis, and manage technical or process specialists as part of the risk assessment team. Where we are also the nominated adjuster we work to develop the Concordia Protocol which, minimises duplication of effort and retains continuity of communication with the policy holder at the time of a loss.

Because each policy holder is different we seek to understand the policy holder's business model and strategy. This enables the processes and organisation's direction to be better understood especially in the event of a business interruption loss.

Our approach seeks to:

  • Reduce uncertainty
  • Identify exposures
  • Agree recommendations
  • Assist with contingency planning

A thorough analysis of the policy wording, before the risk survey assignment commences, enables the identification of areas that may give rise to uncertainty or dispute in the event of a claim.

Our international experience and Global Network means that we have the geographical reach not only to deal with the insured locations but also to conduct preliminary research into the market sectors, main customers and main suppliers of the insured.

Our risk consultancy experience covers both the process of conducting a risk survey and specialist skills in certain areas, particularly commercial, industrial, food, agriculture, security and arson.


Chartered Loss Adjusters | Dispute Resolution | Compliance | Risk Consultancy

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