
Sweet & Maxwell no date

Concordia Consultancy Ltd is entitled to use Sweet and Maxwell’s Expert Witness checked logo in recognition of our professional competence in providing expert-related services to a range of client.

The Academy of Experts

Paul May is a Member of the Academy of Experts. This accreditation is reassurance to all persons wishing to use an Expert Witness in the United Kingdom and Worldwide.

The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators

The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) exists for the global promotion, facilitation and development of all forms of private dispute resolution to maximise the contribution that dispute resolution practitioners make. For more information, please visit their website.

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July 2024
C:VISION Edition 22

C:VISION Edition 22

January 2024
RISK issues in 2024

The Institute of Risk Management asked Paul May to identify and share some thoughts and questions regarding key RISK issues in 2024.
>> Click for details

June 2023
Concordia Loss Adjusting Workshop with HSF

>> Click for details

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