Further UK Floods are expected as Storm Gertrude makes landfall

26th January 2016

UK rainfall 26UK rainfall 27

Image 1. Rainfall warnings for 26th January                                                                            Image 2. Rainfall warnings for 27th January 

Images Source: Met Office

Storm Gertrude has formed from the remnants of the severe snowstorm that hit the North East USA last weekend. The weather front is forecasted to bring widespread damage to communities across Western UK.

Areas at risk include Cumbria, Lancashire and Yorkshire, which were some of the regions that experienced record rainfall during December 2015.

Insurers continue to manage losses suffered by policyholders from the previous storms, with the possible risk of further flooding and losses from Storm Gertrude.

Our surge team remain active and ready to provide a range of Loss Adjusting services, together with claims portfolio review and project management.

Concordia Consultancy’s Loss Adjusting team continue to assist with existing flood recovery claims, whilst maintaining regular contact with Insurers, Reinsurers and Brokers.


For immediate guidance and assistance, please contact:

Ian Woodhead,


Managing Director, Concordia Chartered Loss Adjusters Ltd and Senior Consultant,

Telephone 24/7: +44 207 623 8461

Mobile 24/7: +44 (0) 7513 044 514

Email: ian.woodhead@concordiaconsultancy.com


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