Concordia sponsors IFAA 3rd Regional Claims Conference

18th October 2011

On Wednesday 12th October the IFAA hosted a conference for it’s member associations and fellows on the topic of Catastrophe Claims Adjusting and the global challenges. Presentations and panel discussions covered topics including the Christchurch earthquakes, UK floods, Japan and American catastrophes and the recently published research by AIRMIC into the lessons learned from catastrophe crisis events.


[Paul May, Concordia Consultancy Chairman and the IFAA Past President, Opening welcome to the conference]

The role of the Loss Adjuster is always at the core of the IFAA educational conferences. Presentations and panel discussions are open to the floor and interactions through questions and answers surfaces commonly encountered issues within the industry. Progression within the industry and to heighten the awareness of the essential role of adjusters also emerges from these conferences. 

Concordia’s role in sponsoring the events is to support the progression and visibility of the adjusting world.

For more information about the IFAA and the conferences please visit

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