Concordia Legal appoints Caroline Summerfield as a Director

21st May 2013


Concordia Legal Ltd is pleased to announce the appointment of former City law firm Partner Caroline Summerfield as a Director, and also In-house Counsel and Senior Consultant within Concordia Consultancy Ltd.

Caroline has over 20 years’ experience of practising as a solicitor in the City of London, advising on complex property development projects, art loss claims and business risk. These have included power stations, newsprint processing plants, oil& gas terminals, pipeline projects and brown-field sites. She has advised upon the insurance risks arising from such projects, reviewing and negotiating contractors’ all risks policies, development agreements, JCT Construction Contracts, contractors’ and professional team appointments, professional indemnity insurance policies, latent defects insurance policies and environmental liability policies.

Caroline is also an experienced art lawyer and provides business and loss adjustment advice for commercial art galleries and claims managers.

As a pro-bono lawyer, Caroline has advised personal injury claimants.

Caroline is working on the creation of Concordia’s own legal practice Concordia Legal Limited in addition to acting as the general legal counsel for Concordia Consultancy Limited.

For more information please email:

Please click here to view Caroline’s full CV

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