Concordia Dissertation Prize

19th May 2010

We are delighted to announce that Anton Kossack has been awarded the Concordia Consultancy award for his finance dissertation submitted as part of his MSc in Management Finance obtained from Swansea University.

Anton Kossack, aged 26, gained a Distinction in his MSc in Management Finance in January.  He was presented with the award from Concordia in May 2010 for his dissertation which examined the value effects of diversification of UK publicly listed companies.

Anton's supervisor, Professor Mike Adams, said: "Anton's research examined how business diversification could help to manage risks and increase returns for shareholders."

"This is a very important topic for investors, financial analysts and others with an interest in the financial performance of companies. I am delighted that this work has been recognised by Concordia Consultancy."

Anton, who, following his degree success, is currently working as an Insurance Pricing Analyst at Admiral Group in Cardiff, said: "I am thrilled with this recognition of my efforts. After five years at Swansea University this is an excellent conclusion to my academic career and I am grateful to Professor Adams for his guidance throughout the Masters course."

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